If you have been diagnosed with cancer but don’t have health insurance, don’t let that dissuade you from seeking treatment. Resources for uninsured cancer patients are available.

Starting with your local hospital, ask to speak to a financial counselor about your options. You’ll need to prove (via paystubs, tax forms, etc.) that you indeed qualify for aid.

Beyond that, here are places where uninsured cancer patients can find help: 

  • Cancer.net. The financial assistance page can lead you to grant opportunities.
  • Cancercare.org. The website lists resources for cancer patients by diagnosis. So, if you’re looking for help paying for treatment, go here.
  • Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition. There is a database of financial resources for cancer patients. cancerfac.org
  • Dempsey Center. Actor Patrick Dempsey (“McDreamy” from “Grey’s Anatomy”) started the Maine-based center in honor of his mom, who died in 2014. The center offers support and education at no cost. dempseycenter.org 
  • St.  Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The hospital, based in Memphis, Tennessee, offers all its services for free. stjude.org
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