When something about your job doesn’t satisfy you, it’s easy to dream of another, more fulfilling position with another organization.

The fantasy job, you imagine, will be infinitely better than your current one is.

Have you thought, though, about making that dream job right where you are? Rather than go through the uncertainty of working somewhere else, could you change your current job to make it seem like a new one? And if so, how?

Accentuate the positives

Make an inventory of all your work-related activities, including the amount of time you spend on them, and highlight the tasks you find more challenging and rewarding. Then use the list to develop a clear vision of the job you want and steer your career rejuvenation.

For example, see if you can off-load the uninspiring tasks to someone else. Or talk to your supervisor about expanding your responsibilities toward career-building ones.

Seek a mentor/be a mentor

Building relationships with people within your organization may help you feel more connected, help you expand your career horizons, and provide other career benefits.

Your organization might have a formal mentor program, or you can seek a mentor informally. Get to know people inside and outside your department through social functions or committees, and approach those you respect to see if they will be your mentor.

Conversely, offer yourself up as a mentor to other employees. Chances are you’ll learn something from them, too.

Attend conferences and training programs

Through conferences and training, you can add skills and broaden your knowledge, and you might meet people who may have job enrichment advice or who can act as mentors.

Take advantage of company training programs or workshops, or take a course through a college or professional organization. Attend conferences geared to people in your field. Tools such as AllConference.net can help you find the best events.

Change how you work

Altering even the little things may make you see your job in a new light.

Take the time to organize your computer or office exactly the way you want it. Install that time-saving software you’ve been meaning to get and learn how to use it. Create a daily to-do list.

If you eat dinner at your desk, take a full one-hour lunch instead. Use this break to clear your mind and connect with coworkers. Participate in noon-hour learning or recreational programs within or outside your company.

Just breaking up the routine can provide a boost.

Develop a good relationship with management.

Your immediate supervisors, as well as management generally, play a big role in your career development. Take an interest in members of management as people. Be positive around them.

Make sure your boss knows that you are trying to satisfy your professional responsibilities, but also make sure you communicate your desire to change things up.

Express your desire for change in terms of improving the company, not just you. Treat members of management as potential allies who can support your desire for a refurbished job, and help them see your vision – and how they could benefit.

If you are open to others about what you want, you might be surprised at how many people are happy to help you. Take advantage of that help.

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